
Donnie SC Lygonis

What’s cooking? (updated Friday January 17th 2025)

2025 started crazy busy, right out of the box, I can’t even remember a year starting this actively before!

Full speed ahead at KTH Innovation, and getting a lot of speaking requests now as well, coming up is Tartu, Estonia where I will be giving a keynote at the sTARTUp Day conference: and then first week of February I’m giving an inspirational keynote on innovation for Johnson & Johnson for their annual employee conference, fun!

For speaking I combine innovation, creativity, leadership, sustainability into an inspirational & motivational mix that suits the talk at hand. My own latest talks combine innovation & sustainability or leadership & sustainability .

  • Sustainable Innovation / Hållbar Innovation
  • Sustainable Leadership / Hållbart ledarskap

I was recently interviewed by RISE podcast “Business With Impact” all about sustainable business, here’s the link to that one:

Get in touch if you want to book a date! donnie @!

More about me and my job at KTH Innovation in this article in Dagens Nyheter, one of Sweden’s largest morning papers, featuring yours truly and some really nice entrepreneurs that me and my colleagues have supported the past couple of years, here’s a link to the post on LinkedIn, now with 20 000+ views and still counting (!).

(Here’s the link to a PDF with the article, since I am guessing it’s behind a paywall for most of you.)

Apart from that, things that take up my time are mainly EWB and Mellanmål Inc.

Entrepreneurs Without Borders is the foundation I started a number of years ago and after a bunch of rough years (i.e pandemic) we regrouped and managed to pull off our best event so far in November 2023, it was amazing! I still meet the 2023 awardee of the EWB Award, Dominique Alonga, every week or so for a coaching session.

Then in during the spring of 2024 we were accepted into a EU funded accelerator for ecosystem hubs; We are spending the summer getting ready for the autumn when we start the two year implementation phase. That will see us organizing “Impact Chapters” in cities all over the world (starting in Europe), groups that meet regularly, just like Rotary or other membership clubs, all with the aim to spread good ideas faster, create jobs and reach the UN SDGs.

The second project taking up my time is my latest food venture – Mellanmål Inc An US company that brings in health(ier) Swedish snacks and beverages to America. They need to eat better and we need bigger markets for our products.

You can reach me on LinkedIn or send me an email on donnie at lygonis . com